Original artwork created for Mailing May!

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Mailing May Cover
original watercolor

We Want to Mail May
original watercolor
Lewiston Idaho
original watercolor
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Please Call (206) 254-9100 or email scott@artofillustration.com
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Please Call (206) 254-9100 or email scott@artofillustration.com
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Please Call (206) 254-9100 or email scott@artofillustration.com

Illustrated by Ted Rand
Written by Michael Tunnel

A delightful true story of the only person in the US to actually be mailed by the US Post Office. The story takes place in Lewiston, Idaho in 1914, one year after domestic parcel post was introduced. May’s family couldn’t afford the $1.55 to send her on the train to visit her Grandmother, so they mailed her on the same train for $0.53. May barely passed the weight limit of fifty pounds, was given a smell test since they couldn’t send anything that smelled bad, was classified as a live chick, tagged and stamped for her journey on the mail car of the old train. May was escorted by cousin Leonard, the mail car attendant and hand delivered to Grandma’s doorstep.
This is everybody’s favorite and is just as loved by the boys as it is by the girls. A great gift for your mail person also.

$5.00 signed paperback
$16.00 signed hardcover
Ages 4 - 8 and Adults (32 pages)

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